The Close Formula: Get Customer Commitment for Future Action

   You Restate:
     “We've discussed how our product will  
      provide the flexibility and cost savings
      you're looking for
. When can we schedule
      your first shipment?”

   Customer says:
     "I'm not ready to do that yet."

   You ask:
     "Can you tell me why?"

   Customer says:
     "I'm still not comfortable with your product's

You Keep Selling:

"I understand. Our company offers personalized webinars that include a complete product demonstration. Can we schedule one for you next Wednesday to get you the product information you need?”

Customer says:
"That isn't going to work."

You Ask:
"It isn't?"

Customer says:

"That's right. I'll be traveling all next week."

You Keep Selling:

"That's no problem. Can we set it up for the following Wednesday at 2 pm?"

Customer agrees:
"Yes, that's fine. I'll put it in my calendar."

Check In ... 

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